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Ecosystems as a self-propelling force for future growth?

Focus on the insurance industry - Part 3
Many financially strong companies in different industries are trying to launch ecosystems through acquisitions, investments or other activities. Achieving the goal, an extension of the customer value proposition, as well as the associated process, are extremely complex and thus non-trivial. In this last paper of our 3-part series, we therefore present the Ecosystem Navigator. This answers the question "How can companies participate in or build ecosystems?" and offers a six-phase orientation guide on the way to the first ecosystem prototype.
Ecosystems as a self-propelling force for future growth?
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Ecosystems as a self-propelling force for future growth?

Focus on the insurance industry - Part 3 (2021/11)

Many financially strong companies in different industries are trying to launch ecosystems through acquisitions, investments or other activities. The goal achievement, an extension of the customer value proposition, as well as the associated process, are extremely complex.

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