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Cyber Response - Effective incident management

What to do if there's a fire?

A systematic management methodology helps to react to cyberattacks in a targeted and at the same time flexible way. When dealing with challenging situations, the experience of blue light organizations can be used.

Unknown situations, time pressure, insufficient information and difficult decisions are not the only characteristics of firefighting missions. When a company or organization has to cope with a cyberattack, the responsible persons face similar challenges. However, they often lack the necessary methods and experience to lead effectively in such a situation.

A structured management rhythm consisting of the five phases "Determining", "Assessing", "Deciding", "Acting" and "Controlling" has proven itself in all blue light organisations. This leadership rhythm can also be applied in coping with cyber attacks by going through it several times in all six phases of the cyber-response process.

How this management rhythm is implemented in practice can be found in the technical article by Jörg Ochsner, Senior Consultant in the area of "Cyber Security & Privacy" at Eraneos and Fire Brigade Commander.

Extinguish fire
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What to do if there's a fire?


Computerworld (2018/11)
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