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Road Pricing - The solution against congestion?

Latest Eraneos article in "Strassenverkehr Schweiz" (Road Traffic Switzerland)

The increase in congestion situations on the Swiss road network requires new approaches for the sustainable use of available network capacity. Is road pricing the solution? What is road pricing? What are the alternatives and what do the examples from abroad show us?

Bernhard Riegel, Senior Consultant, Mireille Reeff, Senior Consultant and Philipp Büchi, Head of Road Traffic, examine the advantages and disadvantages as well as the technical feasibility of the politically much discussed topic of road pricing in their professional article and point out which solutions are available abroad.

Road Pricing
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Road Pricing - The solution against congestion?


Road traffic Switzerland (2016/11)

The increase in congestion on the Swiss road network requires new approaches for a sustainable use of the available network capacities. Is road pricing the solution? What is meant by road pricing? What are the alternatives and what do the examples from abroad show us?

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