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Eraneos Manufacturing

Our latest publications for the industry
Article in the industrial magazine Maschinenbau, issue 07/2019
Agile strategy development in industrial companies

Numerous Swiss industrial companies still follow a cumbersome, linear process in their strategic planning. Given the radical change in the environment of Swiss industry, this is astonishing. Swiss industrial companies that want to successfully counter the prevailing high volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity would do well to follow the example of modern technology companies and make their strategy development more agile.

Our other publications on the topic of industry are available for download below.
Eraneos Manufacturing
PDF 1.04 MB |

Agile strategy development in industrial companies


Maschinenbau - The Swiss industry magazine (2019/07)

Many Swiss industrial companies still follow a cumbersome, linear process in their strategic planning. Given the radical change in the environment of Swiss industry, this is astonishing.

PDF 999.38 KB |

Innovation management - What Swiss industrial companies can learn from technology start-ups

Published in Eraneos Point of View (2019/10)

This article was published in German.

 4.00 KB |

Industry 4.0 as a strategic project

Swiss machinery market (2019/10)

This article has been published in German.

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