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Eraneos at the Troopers Conference in Heidelberg

IPv6 still scarce in the cloud

The eleventh edition of the renowned Troopers IT security conference was held in Heidelberg from March 12 to 16, 2018. Various presentations in the NGI Track (Next Generation Internet) showed that the use of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) in the global Internet is continuing to increase. Depending on the country and/or access technology, IPv6 already accounts for 30-70% of data traffic. In addition to content providers, more and more Internet providers are enabling their customers to access Internet resources via IPv6.

Our speaker Gabriel Müller, Senior Consultant at Eraneos, was therefore all the more surprised that IPv6 in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) area is only partially or not at all supported by the leading cloud infrastructure providers. For his presentation, Gabriel Müller analyzed the IaaS offerings of Alibaba, Amazon, Google and Microsoft and pointed out the respective existing or missing IPv6 functionalities.

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IPv6 in the Cloud - Back to Square One?


Troopers (2018/03)
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