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3rd Thought Leaders Forum 2018

Eraneos moderates breakout session "IT 4.0"

At the 3rd Thought Leaders Forum, around 70 decision-makers from the Swiss economy discussed the topic of "Higher agility, speed and innovative strength". The forum was organized by C-Level, Eraneos as knowledge partner led the central stream around "IT & Operations 4.0".

Based on the theses on "IT 4.0" already formulated in the Eraneos FOKUS of April 2017, we developed success factors and approaches that enable companies and especially their IT organizations to be more agile, faster and more innovative in the future.

"IT 4.0" is a central competence focus at Eraneos. For example, a standardized "IT 4.0" assessment is available with a view to the necessary future capabilities. There is a lot to be done - be it in comprehensive IT governance, interdisciplinary cooperation in business IT, the provision of modular and flexible business platforms or scalable IT infrastructure, securing the digital trust or cultural change and strengthening the "agile and lean mindset".

Eraneos Focus
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ICT 4.0

Eraneos FOCUS (2017/04)$

Today, digitalisation or digital transformation is omnipresent in the media.

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